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Biography Of Tigran Asatryan

Life Is Your Stage, Music Is Your Muse
Life Is Your Stage, Music Is Your Muse

Early Life

Tigran Asatryan was born on 04/22/1975 in Ejmiacin, Armenia, into a family deeply steeped in the world of music. His parents, Aram and Nvard Asatryan. His love to music came from his grandparents Habet and Ashxen.They have been in music. They came from Alashkert.  Tigran’s father, Aram, was proficient in playing the dhol, and these familial influences ignited his passion for music from a young age.

His educational journey was complemented by an active involvement in sports, particularly Greco-Roman wrestling. Tigran showcased remarkable talent in this discipline, earning recognition as a three-time champion during his formative years between the ages of 6 and 17.

Passion in Childhood

During his early years, Tigran’s interests were divided between music and sports. At the age of 18, he embarked on a new chapter in his life by getting married and becoming a father, welcoming his first son, Aram.

Personal Life

In his personal life, Tigran Asatryan is a devoted family man. His enduring love story with his wife, Nune Asatryan, has been with him since 6 years and culminated in marriage in 1993. Their union has been blessed with three children: two sons and a daughter. Interestingly, Tigran’s sons have followed in their father’s musical footsteps.

Tigran Asatryan
Tigran Asatryan


Tigran Asatryan launched his music career in 2003, making his initial mark on the stage during the 50th-anniversary celebration of the esteemed Armenian singer Aram Asatryan at the Alex Theater. His debut album, titled “Inchqan Mna,” was released in 2004.

Throughout his musical journey, Tigran received crucial support and mentorship from his father, Aram Asatryan, and Levon Abrahamyan, both of whom played pivotal roles in his success. His breakthrough moment arrived with the release of the song “Hayi Sirun Achker” in 2009, featured on his third album, “Uzum em Sires.”

A significant milestone in Tigran’s career was marked by his inaugural solo concert at the prestigious Dolby Theater in 2016. To further refine his vocal skills, he commenced vocal classes with Ellada Chakhoyan in 2010.

From Armenian Roots to American Stages

Tigran Asatryan Dodgers

The crescendo of Asatryan’s career reached new heights with a historic milestone.

Tigran Asatryan
Tigran Asatryan
Tigran Asatryan

Bathed in the bright lights of Dodger Stadium during its inaugural Armenian Heritage Night, he had the extraordinary honor of performing the Armenian anthem at the opening of an American football game. A cultural triumph, his performance resonated throughout the crowd and showcased his ability to successfully bring his culture to America’s audience. Asatryan’s artistry has transcended borders, making him not just a musical sensation but a cultural ambassador.

Tigran Asatryan

Studio Albums and Achievements

Tigran Asatryan’s impressive discography includes five studio albums and an extensive catalog of over 150 singles. His exceptional talent and contributions to the music industry have garnered numerous accolades, including the prestigious “Big Apple” Music Award presented in 2004 in New York.

He has graced the stage with solo concerts at prominent venues, including a memorable performance in Las Vegas on July 19, 2019, and appearances at the Aqua Caliente Concert. In addition to his musical endeavors, Tigran has actively participated in over 15 charity foundation concerts in Los Angeles and engaged with various Armenian organizations. Since 2014, he has been an enthusiastic participant in the Navassardian games.

Tigran Asatryan’s remarkable journey, from his musical upbringing in Ejmiacin to international stardom, is a testament to his unwavering dedication, exceptional talent, and deep-rooted love for music. His work continues to captivate audiences worldwide, solidifying his place as a prominent figure in the Armenian music scene.

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